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Defined UX patterns and designed a pixel-perfect UI and motion graphics promo video for GoMrkt - a grocery delivery app.

Our UX approach
Since the concept explored the future of the grocery store, we did extensive audits of the top food delivery apps in the market today. They varied from extremely dense to minimalist. Our philosophy is always to design with simplicity and progressive disclosure in mind, so we emphasized ubiquitous elements from our audits and hallway studies, but kept the detailed information available a level or two down to keep the ‘happy path’ as quick and frictionless as possible.

Pixel-perfect UI
In design, we chose a fresh color palette with an emphasis on vibrant imagery to recreate the feeling of walking through your local organic market, hand-selecting ripe, colorful produce and other family favorites. Our goal in design was to transform research-backed function into mouth-watering, delightful and pixel-perfect form.

Our goal was mouth-watering, delightful and pixel-perfect UI.

Final UI Design
UX Wireframe

Final UI Design
UX Wireframe
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