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When it comes to digital design, we've come to raise the bar
Specialists are a big part of how the big players bring the quality that everyone now expects from their software products.
Mobile UX and UI design is our specialty. Whether you’re building an app from the ground up, adding a new feature or looking to outsource a portion of a project for a client, our team of user experience and user interface specialists will position your digital product for the five-star big leagues.

UX Design

User Experience design
UX design is the foundation upon which a digital product's success is built. When it comes to information architecture (IA), our IA experts work to design scalable, flexible, consistent UX systems that can grow over time without breaking patterns or frustrating the user with inconsistencies, inefficiencies, or worst of all, not addressing the actual problems they face.
User Journey
& Prototyping
Testing & Iteration
UX Spec &
UI Handoff
User Interface design
Our design talent are both, the hidden and not-so-hidden gems of their field. We’re proud to have built a visual design team of top-tier industry players who are critical thinkers, creative collaborators and approach life with a sense of humor (which makes all the difference when the midnight oil is burned in crunch mode). They've also done their time at companies like Apple, Google, Oculus and AirBnb, just to name a few.
Design Audit
Asset Collection
& Style Setting
High-Fidelity Design Mocks
UX Adjustment Suggestions
Final Mocks
& Prototype
Development Handoff

UI Design

What about development?
Our in-house design team is well-versed in the workflows and processes of agile development teams. When it comes to design-to-dev handoff, we're happy to collaborate with your in-house development team, preferred development vendor or engage one of our on-shore or off-shore development partners to ensure a seamless production flow through the final stages of your project.
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